The Magic Doormat

Add Force Flair to Your Room Decor With A Star Wars Rug

Star Wars Jedi Rug

Did you know that a Jedi-in-training is called a Padawan? Or that Master Yoda lived for more than 900 years?

May The Force Be With You Yoda RugAre you familiar with the Millennium Falcon making the Kessell Run in less than 12 parsecs? Or that four actors and a stuntman have played Darth Vader? They include Sebastian Shaw, David Prowse, James Earl Jones, Hayden Christensen, and Bob Anderson.

If so, then you, my friend, are an official Star Wars fan. Congratulations! As a passionate appreciator of the most extraordinary sci-fi saga ever created, bring some of that energy into your home with movie-themed home decor.

Put some force flair in your living space with Star Wars rugs.
Star War Rugs

Even if you didn’t know the answer to every trivia question above, there are Star Wars-themed rugs for you. Keep reading to learn more about how to order the ultimate accessory for your Earth-based dwelling.

The Timeless Classic Lives On

Since 1977, Star Wars has inspired generations of people worldwide to seek the force. The movies, books, animated series, television shows, and comic books associated with the franchise have captivated countless fans’ imaginations.

Jedi Logo RugMillions of people have immersed themselves in the generational fight between the dark and light exemplified by the Jedi and the Rebellion against the Sith, Empire, and First Order.

From theme parks to action figures, Lego sets to trading cards, the universe continues to expand. The Mandalorian and baby Yoda represent two prime examples of this. So, why not take it to the next level with Star Wars area rugs?

The Expanding Star Wars Universe

Star Wars Stormtrooper Rug In 2012, Disney purchased the Star Wars franchise rights from Lucasfilms for approximately $4 billion. This exchange brought new life to the stories with fresh adventures, untold stories, and new movies and television series hitting the airwaves.

Disney has also worked hard to expand the universe. How? By creating theme park attractions that bring these timeless stories to life for audiences.

The Millennium Falcon and a star-defying battle between the Resistance and First Order have inspired new theme park attractions. How do you translate the Star Wars universe into the perfect rug (or two or three) for your corner of the galaxy?

Add Some Flair to Your Galaxy With a Rug for Star Wars Fans

Whether you want to capture the Rebellion’s hope or the essence of the Jedi, a Star Wars rug design will do the trick. You can create a truly unique and inspired space when complemented with other Star Wars-inspired home decor.

They’re perfect for your basement, den, office, study, or other room. They come in a wide variety of stunning designs that’ll add a spark of space to your room. A custom Star Wars rug indulges nostalgia while giving people a window into your personality.
Star Wars Jedi

Look for a custom rug made from high-end nylon. That way, you’re guaranteed to find an accent that’ll last for many light years to come.

The Best Star Wars Rugs

Countless fun Star Wars rug ideas exist. But some of our favorites include:

All rugs are vibrant in color and plush in texture. They’re highly durable and stand up well in high-traffic areas. No matter which rug idea you choose, there’s no better way to represent your love for this classic franchise.

There are a variety of Star Wars rug designs to choose from, or you can request your favorite character. But the fantastic rug ideas don’t stop there.

Star Wars Quotations

Many fans opt for a rug featuring a Star Wars quote. After all, nothing beats a good George Lucas-inspired one-liner.

What are some fun iconic quotes that work well on rugs? They include pithy favorites such as:

  • “Remember…the Force will be with you, always.” –Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for…” –Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • “Great, kid. Don’t get cocky”-Han Solo
  • “No. I am your Father.” –Darth Vader
  • “The force is strong with this one.” –Darth Vader
  • “Fear is the path to the dark side.” –Yoda
  • “When 900 years old, you reach… Look as good, you will not.” -Yoda
  • “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.” –Princess Leia
  • “Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy.”-Darth Vader

These highly recognizable sayings will let you demonstrate your love for all things Star Wars by showcasing your favorite character or scene.

Ordering Star Wars Rugs

At this point, you’re likely wondering how you can get your hands on one of these custom Star Wars creations. After all, with this decor in your home, you’ll be the envy of all your Star Wars fan friends.

It’s as simple as sending us an email with some specifications, including the size of the rug you’d like and the logo design.

For custom designs, a digital format is preferred. Formats that work include vector such as .eps and .ai as well as high-resolution .pdf and .jpg. Find out more about our image specifications.

You can also choose a custom shape. Be sure to include these specifications with your inquiry.

You’ll also want to specify any text you’d like to include as well as colors. We’ll use this information to create a rug proof and then send it to you for approval via email. Once we get your go-ahead, we’ll bring your custom rug to life and then ship it your way.

Contact us now to find out more about our wide selection of Star Wars rugs and Star Wars carpet options.


About the author - Sandy Henderson

The author Sandy Henderson is owner of Rug Rats Fine Carpet and Rugs, a small town business with a national presence. Sandy was drawn to materials and design and wanted to explore how we can take charge of the beauty and happiness of our own homes. She earned a degree in Clothing and Textiles, from historic Longwood College (founded over two hundred years ago as a teachers’ college in Farmville, Virginia). Sandy now draws on her 36 years in the custom rug business to help clients all over the US with their custom & logo rug decisions.