The Magic Doormat

Entry Rugs


Entry Rugs – The Easy Piece for Your Home & Office

Strategically placed entry rugs can provide branding at the entry to your business. Place an attractive entry rug at the outside entrance, so everyone that passes by sees your professional logo.
Martini Shaped Rug

Custom Mats Have A Definite Place in Your Design Plan

Custom logo mats come in all types of styles and shades. These custom rugs present an opportunity to go all out and find something that reflects positively on your personality and the kind of aura you want to bring into a room. Some people go for spectacular designs with intricate patterns, while others go for less showy, azure approaches to reflect a laid-back atmosphere. Some of the time, people don’t have the budget to get the fanciest mats on the market, but even so, a little creativity and tinkering with colors can go a long way toward helping you get what you want.

Custom Door Mats Work to Make Your Entry Ways A Focal Point

Custom door mats have a range of purposes. They will keep your building clean by ensuring that most of the dirt that comes through is left at the door. This is because the right materials will trap all kinds of dirt and leave it at the door. Apart from this helping you keep things clean, it makes it easier to clean your home or office because you only need to focus on a few areas that get the most traffic. These mats are far from just functional; they come with an aesthetic edge to them. These custom rugs are a decorative element that helps your doorways stand out and create an impression among those who drop by. You need to get your color depths and angles just about right to achieve this effect.
Church Custom Logo Mat

Personalized Welcome Mats Are the Missing Component to Your Exterior Décor

Law Office Custom Lofo Rug
When people talk about personalized welcome mats, they tend to focus more on the material than the level of detail and planning that needs to go into the whole process. Personalized implies that you know what you are looking for and can conjure images from your mind and represent them in your design approaches. For example, if you have a pet, you can have it represented in your mat as a symbol or drawing made or imprinted onto the fabric. Whatever you go for needs to mean something to you because you are looking for a reflection of your passions and longings. When you can, try to match or contrast your entry mats with other elements of your exterior décor. What do your doors, exterior walls, and landscaping look like? Can you find a scheme that works for all these areas but makes your mats stand out?

Use Custom Welcome Mats to Make Your Visitors Feel at Home

Many generic pieces are passing as custom welcome mats, but they are far from the real deal. The right welcome mats carry a message, letting those coming in know they are in the right place. Whether in the corporate space or ordering custom mats for your personal home needs, this message must be carried along and even reinforced. There are numerous ways to communicate saying message-anything from symbols to images and fun drawings will get the job done.
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Custom Logo Mats Come in Handy for Those Working to Reinforce Branding Messages

Custom logo mats are an essential accessory in business. Those in the corporate world know just how important it is to get their branding right and keep themselves within the focal point of the target audience. With logo mats, you need to develop an intricate design that encapsulates what you are about without being overwhelming to prospective customers. Remember, you want to stand out, and being different goes a long way.
Contact Rug Rats today to start a conversation about your entry rug.  Get our personalized service throughout the order process and delivery.

About the author - Sandy Henderson

The author Sandy Henderson is owner of Rug Rats Fine Carpet and Rugs, a small town business with a national presence. Sandy was drawn to materials and design and wanted to explore how we can take charge of the beauty and happiness of our own homes. She earned a degree in Clothing and Textiles, from historic Longwood College (founded over two hundred years ago as a teachers’ college in Farmville, Virginia). Sandy now draws on her 36 years in the custom rug business to help clients all over the US with their custom & logo rug decisions.