Armed Forces Veteran Logo Rugs
Rug Rats is proud to offer the finest military rugs on the market. These Armed Forces Logo Rugs are a salute to Armed Forces veterans and retired personnel of one of our military branches: Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy. We offer highly durable custom rugs that are as tough as the military person they are designed to honor!
Military veterans and retired military family members and friends deserve our utmost respect. They serve our country with so much honor and integrity, yet they seldom get the recognition they truly deserve. Whether they serve on the battlefields or perform other critical duties, our retired military service men and women are all heroes.
Our custom military rugs and Armed Forces Veteran Logo Rugs become the focal point of almost any room because we offer the highest resolution of any rugs on the market. The clear crisp edges of the logos and lettering really make them pop. Furthermore, we can customize the design of any rug.
Mottos and insignias from any unit can be highlighted. Transform your Barracks, Training Quarters, Camp, Operating Base, Command Post, Battalion Center, Recruitment Facility, or Military Office Environment with our comprehensive line of Customized Military Logo Floor Mats
We can put a personal message that you choose on these Armed Forces Veteran Logo Rugs. Personal names can be added too. You can also select customized borders, trims, sizes, and colors. We can even create custom shapes for you.

US Navy Yorktown Weapons Facility
For example, if you want a U-shaped rug to fit around a desk, we can cut the rug to fit around the desk perfectly! It will look as if the rug actually came with the desk!

US Army Retired Custom Logo Rug
The retired military is proud of the principles they learned and practiced in the military. They often like to share these principles with the next generations. Having a military rug proudly displayed in the home can help instill these values they cherish so much. There is something very special about having the grandchildren play on the rug that honors the service of their grandfather or grandmother.

Semper Fi Wall Rug
You can put the motto and insignia for any branch of the military on your rug. You can use the Latin version, the English version, or both on your military rug. Here are the primary mottos for our military branches:
“Aim High … Fly-Fight-Win”The United States Air Force Motto
“This We’ll Defend”The United States Army Motto
“Semper Paratus” (“Always Ready”)The United States Coast Guard Motto
“Semper Fidelis” (or Semper Fi — “Always Faithful”)The US Marine Corps Motto
“Non sibi sed patriae” (“Ever Strong… Not For Self But For Country”)The US Navy Motto
We can also create custom military rugs with the unit mottos and insignias. Here are just a few examples of these:
“Haec Protegimus” (This We Guard)Headquarters of the Military District of Washington
“No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy”The 1st Marine Division of the United States
“Protectors of Peace”Missouri National Guard
“Saber Es Poder” (“Knowledge is Power”)The USAF 26th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing
“Peace Through Strength”The 100th Air Refueling Wing of the USAF (100 ARW)
We can also include your military veteran’s favorite unofficial military mottos on our customized military veteran rugs. For example, for the Seabees (officially the Naval Construction Forces), the official motto is:
“Construimus, Batuimus” (“We build, we fight”)
However, there are several unofficial Seabees’ mottos that are just as treasured by retired Navy veterans who served in this special unit. Here are a couple of examples:
“Can Do!!!”
“We do the difficult immediately; the impossible takes a little longer!”
“We dive the world over.” (for a special underwater unit of the Seabees)
We can create a custom military rug for ANY special unit your military veteran served in! Just give us a call so we can discuss what you have in mind.
Does your military veteran have a second career? There’s a reason employers always want to hire them. There’s also a reason that military veterans so often rise to the top of the ranks in their second career or even start a business of their own. The military instills in them the best work ethic and values that will carry them well through life. Why not celebrate this with a rug for the office?
Military rugs that celebrate the values of the military make an excellent office rug to share these same values with employees and co-workers. The “Army Values” make a good set of mantras for any business: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. These or other values can be printed on a custom military rug to inspire the “troops” at work!
Military rugs make wonderful gifts. We can make them look completely official or we can blend the official military logo and motto with a personalized message. For example, a rug for a retired military veteran of the Coast Guard could say, “Always Ready! Bring the Grandkids!”

US Marines Logo Rugs
For a retired marine corp vet who was also a great dad, how about a special rug that says, “Our Dad — Always Faithful!” The possibilities are endless. These are just a couple of suggestions to inspire you but you know your family member or friend best of course! That’s why we should talk by phone.
It sometimes helps for us to see the room where you want to place the custom military rug. This gives us a better idea of space and design so we can make better suggestions. Feel free to snap a picture and send it to us.
Give us a call so we can hear all about your military veteran and collaborate on any Armed Forces Logo Rugs that will suit him or her perfectly! If we combine our thirty-plus years of rug expertise with what you know about your military retiree, we should be able to come up with a military rug that will make them know how much you love, admire, and appreciate them!
You can also shoot us an email to get the dialog started. Send a message to Rug Rats to create your Armed Forces Logo Rug.