The Magic Doormat

Why Buy School Locker Room Logo Rugs

Nothing else can beef up school pride more than locker room logo rugs! Every school should have one or more. Let’s explore why further.

You’ll Get a Big Bang From Your Limited Athletic Budget with School Locker Room Logo Rugs

Often starting in mid to late summer, athletic directors meet with their staff to review the upcoming school year’s budget. With many schools grappling with dwindling athletic budgets, deciding what to buy, what not to buy, and how much to buy can be tough. When coaches and their staff have to tighten their strings, they often look at what will give them the biggest bang for their buck beyond what is essential. This is where our school locker room logo rugs shine!

JSU Baseball locker room

Our locker room custom logo mats are very reasonably priced, especially for the quality we produce and how long they last! The vibrant colors and high resolution of our custom rugs will bestow instant pride and confidence in the team when they see their logo and mascot so emboldened. It will put them in a “we can win” mode, and they’ll play better than ever!

HSC Soccer Logo Rug

As a team gathers around the coach before a big game, a striking locker room logo rug goes a long way toward fostering team spirit…. it turns the locker room into a clubhouse for winners! When such a winning atmosphere is created, it tells every athlete that they are part of something really big and really important. It drives everyone to excel and work as one cohesive unit. Yes, it’s psychological, but we won’t go into all that.

Are You a Member of a School Booster Club Looking For a Special Way To Support the Team?
Longwood University Basketball Locker Room Rug

You have probably noticed that athletes play much better when a community supports their athletic teams. Yes, raw athletic ability and a persistently good work ethic are very important. But equally important, perhaps even more important, is what’s between an athlete’s ears and what the overall team morale is like! This is why non-profit booster clubs supporting the team and cheering them on are so critical to a team’s success.

Logo Floor Mat for Smoky Mountain High School

Luckily, fundraising for school locker room logo rugs is a very achievable goal that can have a HUGE IMPACT! Furthermore, the impression it gives the team when they see these logo rugs for the first time can move a big bulky defensive line football player to tears (but they’ll never admit it!). Best of all, this booster club donation keeps on giving day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year — every time the athletes feel that overwhelming spirit in the locker room, it will give again!

Get the Students Involved In Designing a Logo Rug For the Locker Room
ETB Hockey Logo Rug

One of the biggest advantages of getting your locker room logo rug from Rug Rats is that we truly enjoy the process of making and customizing your rug! We love it when the creative juices flow and our clients really get into turning their logo rug into a one-of-a-kind original! And nothing perks up school spirit more than getting the students involved in designing something that is so prominently displayed at their own school!
Saints School Entrance Mats

Why not turn it into a contest, too? Have the male athletes design a locker room rug for the boys’ locker room, and the female athletes design one for the girls’ locker room. Then, have the teachers or the principal judge them and give the winner a special prize, like a write-up in the local paper with a picture of the winners enjoying a free pizza party! That would be one for the yearbook, for sure!

Don’t Forget About the Smaller Teams

While football, basketball, baseball, and track and field take center stage at most schools in the United States, school locker room logo rugs are an economical, high-impact way to beef up school pride in the smaller athletic teams, too. Does your school have a tennis team, sailing club, rowing team, hockey team, volleyball team, scuba diving club, swim team, or another team that doesn’t usually get as big a budget? Give them a rug personalized to that particular team.

Hampden Sydney New

Hampden Sydney Basketball Locker Room Logo Rug

Logo rugs can easily fit in even a small changing room off the tennis courts. You can also temporarily add these rugs to an area where different teams play throughout the school year. Why not surprise these smaller teams with a symbol of your appreciation and support at the beginning of their season? Likewise, the smaller teams can easily fundraise to get their logo rug as well.

Now Let’s Talk Design

Longwood University Custom Fkoor Mat

Longwood Lancers Locker Room Logo Rug


Our school locker room logo rugs are exceptional in that we print them at about ten times the resolution of our competitors. This means they will be the envy of every visiting team, and every intricate detail of your logo and other artwork (you can email us a file) will appear exquisitely!

Hampden Sydney College Logo Rug for The Tiger Inn


We can also create custom shapes for you. For example, we did a logo rug for Hampden Sydney College with one of the big paws of their mascot, a tiger, sticking out just a little from the edge of the otherwise rectangular-shaped rug. The effect looked like the tiger was jumping out of the carpet! We can also cut a rug into an irregular shape to fit around lockers or other objects in the locker room.


Please note that you can specify precisely the color you want or even send us a sample to match. Our printing is true to color, so your school colors will be precisely represented and strikingly presented. You can also decide on a special border or design element to add to your locker room rug beside your logo. Please look through our online galleries for ideas, or call us, and we will make suggestions to get you started.

Practical Issues

We’ve been creating high-quality custom logo mats for over thirty years, so we have a lot of experience and have honed our craft. We can guarantee that our locker room logo rugs are some of the most durable around. They will withstand rigorous daily foot traffic and still look sharp.
Lady Admirals Softball Locker Room Rug

Locker room logo rugs serve another purpose besides being visually stunning: They help prevent accidents. With sweat dripping and athletes coming in from the shower, a locker room floor can get quite slippery. These rugs are made to immediately absorb this wetness and thus prevent slip-and-fall accidents. It’s important to protect our young athletes who are making so much effort to support their teams and schools!

 Shoot Us an Email!

We’d love to hear from you. Send us a picture of your school logo and mascot and let us know what kind of school locker room logo rug(s) you’d like to create. Don’t worry if you think your idea may be a bit off the beaten path… in fact, we encourage that!


About the author - Sandy Henderson

The author Sandy Henderson is owner of Rug Rats Fine Carpet and Rugs, a small town business with a national presence. Sandy was drawn to materials and design and wanted to explore how we can take charge of the beauty and happiness of our own homes. She earned a degree in Clothing and Textiles, from historic Longwood College (founded over two hundred years ago as a teachers’ college in Farmville, Virginia). Sandy now draws on her 36 years in the custom rug business to help clients all over the US with their custom & logo rug decisions.