Did you know that 61% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand that delivers unique content?
From the moment that people walk into your store or office, you want to show them that you’re a one-of-a-kind business. Using a personalized rug in your entryway is a great way to show people that your brand is exceptionally unique and engage them from the get-go.
Here, we’re going to talk about the benefits of custom-printed rugs, who can use them, and how you can go about designing one. Read on to begin making deeper connections with your target audience!
Benefits of Rugs for Entrances
Using any rug at your entryway is a great way to make a first impression that packs a punch. They’re a great way to show people that your office is both fun and professional. They also illustrate that you don’t skimp out on costs that make your space more aesthetically pleasing, which gives the overall impression that you care about your brand image.
This is a great way to draw in clients that may otherwise have gone to your competitors. After all, if you care about a quality impression, they’ll likely know that you care about delivering them quality goods and services as well!

They Protect Your Floors
One way that entry rugs bolster your space is by protecting your floors. If people are allowed to trail dirt and grime into your space on their shoes, the floors aren’t going to last very long.
When people get coarse dirt particles or tiny pebbles on the bottoms of their shoes, it scratches hardwood and tile flooring. Additionally, the clay in the dirt (and the disgusting unnatural litter and dye) that you trail in from outside stains the floors. Damage from wear and tear shows potential clients that you don’t respect your space or your brand.

To avoid creating this impression, you’ll need to replace your floors often. You also will need to invest in a lot of sealants. No one wants to spend that kind of unnecessary money!
Rugs give people the chance to wipe down their feet and eliminate particles before they have the chance to damage the flooring. This saves you money and shows clients that you care!
They Promote Safety
Did you know that 34,673 people can die of slip-and-fall accidents in a single year?
This is a scarily large number, but these accidents are often avoidable. When people transition from having a lot of friction from beneath their shoes outdoors to a smooth indoor hardwood, they’re likely to slip. If this happens in your commercial space, you’re likely to face both lawsuits and the guilt of someone being injured on your watch.

Entry rugs reduce the risk of this happening. They provide more friction under people’s shoes when they first enter your space. This gives them time to adjust to their new surroundings so that they don’t have an accident.
Simple things truly can make all the difference when it comes to safety!
Why Use a Personalized Rug?
Personalized door mats are a great choice for commercial venues because they can help grow your brand. Whether you’re a store, a real estate agency, a law firm, or a financial office, custom rugs can be used to showcase your brand information.
Including your name and logo is essential when creating a custom mat. This ensures that those who enter your space draw the connection between your brand and your logo. For a cohesive brand look, you also will likely want to use the colors that your brand has claimed as its own.

Another way that custom rugs can grow your brand is by the inclusion of contact information. You can put your phone number, email address, or social media profiles on your welcome mat beneath the name of your business. People will be more likely to see and remember it in these locations.
Additionally, it’s likely that people will take photos while in your space. Having these mats in the background will remind them of your business, and potential clients can zoom in and quickly get your contact information. Plus, some people might share these images on social media and boost your visibility online!
They’re 100% Customizable
The main reason that personalized rugs build your brand so effectively is that they’re completely customizable. You don’t even need to choose from a pre-made set of images or a small repertoire of colors. All you need to do is upload your design on our webpage and talk to our professionals about how much printing it will cost.
Custom printed rugs also are made to fit your space perfectly. Entry rugs come in many different shapes and sizes. Measure the width of your entryway and consider how far into the store you want the mat to be. Multiply those numbers together (width x height) and you’ll know the exact square footage that your mat should be!

It’s also important to note that you can get multiple printings of the same design. Most offices and businesses have at least two doors, so you can measure both those spaces and get enough distinct rugs to fit each space.
They Make Decor More Cohesive
Getting multiple rugs to put at each entryway of your store is a great way to draw your space together. However, you can use custom logo mats to create a cohesive look in multiple ways.
It’s likely that your store or office is filled with your brand color. The same applies to the font and text shape that your business has made its own- you likely will find this text on signs and other branded imagery. Having these hues and text styles on your rug is a great way to show that you have a consistent brand.

Additionally, you may have given employees or potential clients company swag. Coffee mugs, pens and pencils, mousepads, and branded pins on briefcases are likely something that you see daily around your office or break room. Custom logo rugs feature the same images and colors as these everyday objects do and show that your business cares about its overall image.
They’re One of a Kind
Custom rugs are by definition one of a kind. Since you create the design yourself, you can make it as unique as you want. Background colors and images will be your own since they were created by you or your graphic design team. There’s nothing generic about a custom-printed rug!
Because they’re made to order, personalized rugs are also high-quality. They’re made with the finest materials including both the carpeting and the rubber backing. This ensures that your rug won’t fade over time or become damaged as a result of regular wear and tear.
Who Can Benefit From Custom Rugs?
There are a wide variety of businesses that can benefit from custom personalized rugs:
- Real estate agencies (and the properties that they’re showcasing)
- Law, government, financial firms (and offices that provide other professional services)
- Architecture and construction firms
- Sales offices
- Churches
- Non-for-profit organizations
- Company headquarters
- Stores that sell any type of goods
- Restaurants and cafes
These are just a few examples. Essentially any location that offers a service and has a branding strategy can benefit!
Individuals can also have custom logo rugs printed for their homes. If you find that you like the rug that we print for your commercial space, consider getting something made for your residential one, too!
How Can You Create the Perfect Design?
Creating a design for your custom logo rug isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Select the background color for your rug based on the colors that your logo features. You want there to be high contrast so that the design and text that comes with it are more visible.
Additionally, make sure that you include the appropriate amount of text on your rug. Your business’s name is essential, but you’ll also likely want to include a phone number. This number should be smaller than the other elements of your design.
Some businesses will also choose to include a short slogan. This is a great idea, especially for larger rugs with more surface area!
Once your design is created, you can upload it to our site and get a quote on how much it will cost to print it. Our experts will get back to you shortly with an estimate as well as information on printing and shipping. After that, you can place your order and wait for your awesome rug to be delivered right to your business!
Get Started
Now that you know all about getting a personalized rug (or three) for your business, it’s time to get cracking! Contact our professionals to learn more about the designing and printing process for custom welcome mats. We’re happy to help you make your business stand out as unique in the eyes of your consumers.
Go get ’em, tiger!